Have you got any questions?

At the end of the interview, it is likely that you will be given the chance to put your own questions to the interviewer.

Keep them brief: there may be other interviewees waiting.

Ask about the work itself, training and career development: not about holidays, pensions, and season ticket loans!

Prepare some questions in advance: it is OK to write these down and to refer to your notes to remind yourself of what you wanted to ask.

It often happens that, during the interview, all the points that you had noted down to ask about will be
covered before you get to this stage. In this situation, you can respond as follows:

Interviewer: Well, that seems to have covered everything: is there anything you would like to ask me?

Interviewee: Thank you: I'd made a note to ask about your appraisal system and the study arrangements for professional exams, but we went over those earlier and I really feel you've covered everything that I need to know at this moment.

You can also use this opportunity to tell the interviewer anything about yourself that they have not raised during the interview but which you feel is important to your application:
Don't feel you have to wait until this point to ask questions - if the chance to ask a question seems to arise naturally in the course of the interview, take it!
Remember that a traditional interview is a conversation - with a purpose.

Examples of questions you can ask the interviewer
These are just a few ideas - you should certainly not attempt to ask them all and indeed it's best to formulate your own questions tailored to your circumstances and the job you are being interviewed for! Make sure you have researched the employer carefully, so that you are not asking for information which you should be expected to know already.

1) Is there a fixed period of training for graduates?

2) I see it is possible to switch job functions - how often does this happen?

3) Do you send your managers on external training courses?

4) Where would I be based - is this job function located only in ...?

5) How easy is it for new graduates to find accommodation in this area?

6) How often is a graduate's performance appraised?

7) What is a typical career path in this job function?

8) Can you give me more details of your training programme?

9) Will I be working in a team? If so, what is the make- up of these teams?

10) What is the turnover of graduates in this company?

11) What are the possibilities of using my languages ?

12) What are the travel/mobility requirements of this job?

13) How would you see this company developing over the next five years?

14) How would you describe the atmosphere in this company?

15) What is your personal experience of working for this organisation?


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