Few guys will come right out and say that they have fallen hard, but these gestures are dead giveaways
He becomes really helpful
Men crave feeling needed, and when they are gaga, they'll invent ways to be of assistance-like mowing your lawn or changing the oil in your car. Yes, it's more practical than romantic, but his heart is in the right place.
He's. happy just to hang
When a guy is fully invested in being around you, he is content to chill out doing absolutely nada. So it's a good sign when you start seeing him more often, even if your time together is less planned out.
Things remind him of you
If he is emailing you funny websites he has found or says he saw something in a store you'd like, it proves you are on his mind fulltime....and becoming part of his inner world
He gives you a sweet nickname
Dudes only use tender terminology like pet names once they are comfortable being vulnerable around you. You're in, Pookie.
Read between his lines:
He says: "C'mon, you know am not like that anymore".
He means: "Am trying -but failing-to change
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