Another characteristic of those who posses a deep inner spiritual strength is a thankful heart. So far as thanksgiving is concerned, the masses of people can be divided into two classes: Those who take things for granted, and those who take things with gratitude. I wonder to whish class you belong.
In the book Ten Golden Rules for Financial Success, Gary Moore gives this as the first rule: Count your blessings. In that chapter he talk about Sir John T., a financier and philanthropist who gives millions of pounds away to people all over the world. Sir John follows this principle in life: every morning he awakes he lies still on his bed and thinks of five things for which he can be thankful. He believes that until you can recognize the good things that are going on around you, you do not have a proper basis for handling life. At this point you might say:
"Its all right for Sir John with all his wealth, but what about me? I have to struggle to make ends meet"
If that is your reaction, is it my hope that over these next few days you will focuss not so much on what you don't have but on what you do have
Before our Lord took the loaves and fish and handed them to the disciples He gave thanks.Jesus made it a practice to thank God for His goodness in all things. He was constantly giving thanks.AND SO MUST WE. and I say:
"The most foolish person in the world is that person who complains about what he doesn't have instead of being thankful for what he does have"
Further study: Luke 17:11-19, 2 Cor: 9-15
Psalm 136
King James Version (KJV)
136 O give thanks unto the LORD;
for he is good: for his mercy
endureth for ever.
2 O give thanks unto the God of
gods: for his mercy endureth for
3 O give thanks to the Lord of
lords: for his mercy endureth for
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