How touchy-feely a guy is willing to get in front of other people can reveal surprising things about his personality...and sexual desires.
He Pecks your cheek.
It may seem sweet, but his feelings for you could be less than frisky. "A chaste peck could actually indicate a low level of romantic and sexual desire towards you," says Peter Andersen, PhD, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Body Language.
But if he's hot and heavy at home, it may simply be that he's not comfortable expressing his feelings out in the open.
He wraps his arm around you.
If he throws an arm over your shoulder or around your waist while you're walking, he's completely attached to you. "The clinging behaviour means that he has a strong connection to you and, in fact, may even feel like he needs you," explains Q,
When the gesture is prolonged for 5 to 10 minutes, it shows just how intensely he is bonded to you.
He holds your hand.
This guy can be both a beau and a best friend. "A man who grabs your hand in public is declaring to everyone, especially other women, that the two of you are an unbreakable team," says Q
Not only does he feel a strong partners-in-crime vibe with you, but he's proud to show the world that you're all his.
He gives you a passionate kiss.
Most guys hold back from engaging in deep, lusty lip-locks in front of others, so if he is showing this kind of excitement in public, his sexual attraction for you is powerful.
"He's probably also a very passionate person to begin with, a thrill- seeking type who takes risks and always pushes the envelope,"
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